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Information Synchronizer and Branch Search Engine



Microsip (Aplicaciones y Proyectos Computacionales SA de CV),  is a group of Mexican subsidiaries whose social purpose is the development and commercialization of administrative computer systems. Founded in 1986, Microsip is recognized as one of the most prestigious brands of packaged software in Mexico; oriented to family business.

The technological solutions provided by Microsip are:
Electronic Invoicing, Point of Sale System, Sales, Administrative Systems, Distribution Systems, Electronic Accounting, Web Services and Payroll Stamping.


Solution Approach

The approach proposed was the implementation of a Microservices  oriented architecture  that would allow to focus the efforts of different development cells, implementation of flow integrations and continuous delivery, as well as the incorporation of AWS as Cloud Provider to support different requirements such as:

Affordable cost model and ease to generate savings, auto scaling, elasticity, high availability, fault tolerance and resilience, security standards.


The designed architecture was created considering the interaction of a series of Microservices, where information flow was processed by these Microservices, and they would orchestrate the transition, transformation and replication of information between the master instance and the rest of the branches. It should support a “Multi-tenant” scheme in order to provide service to heterogeneous clients between themselves, auto scale according to fluctuations in demands due to different nature:acquisition of new clients for this service, elastic increase according to the clients’ behaviour and seasons related to business processes associated with the clients. 

AWS services used for the solution:

AWS Route53 | AWS VPC | AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) | AWS Elastic |Container Service (ECS) | AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
 AWS Lambda |
AWS Cloudwatch | AWS Auto Scaling 

Main Technologies:

Java 8 | Spring | Spring Boot |
Spring Cloud | Spring Cloud Netflix | | Junit with Mockito and Harmcrest | Hazelcast | RabbitMQ | MongoDB Cluster | Gatling | Cucumber | Undertow | Apache Camel | HikariCP | Bouncycastle  Zipkin | Docker


GitHub | Codeship | Jira
 Confluence Gatling


1x Solutions Architect | 2x Backend Developers | 1x QA Engineer
1x Automated Tester | 1x Performance tester | 1x Business Analyst
1x Project Manager/Scrum Master

Final Solution

At the end of this journey, a technological solution emerged for Microsip, which can be integrated with its business model and its technological scheme for the provisioning and delivery of its services, allowing information to be replicated from a master instance to an unlimited number of replication instances, achieving a profitable and scalable business model for its customers, taking advantage of the use of the AWS cloud.

“In service development, we used good practices such as continuous integration, microservices-oriented architecture, dynamic configuration, service monitoring, automatic service discovery, auto-scaling; all this accompanied by the correct use of AWS services. This has allowed us to offer a high quality service, with low costs and above all it allows us to dedicate our time to the development of new services. Together with Technogi, we have acquired experience in the development of applications designed for the cloud that it would have taken us a long time to acquire without their help. Today we have more than 50 branches synchronizing information with our service, and the most important thing is that we are increasingly taking advantage of AWS services to improve our product and for different departments of the company.”

Microsip Review


Let´s keep in touch!

Please send us your ideas, bug reports, suggestions!
Any feedback would be appreciated.


· UK: Innovation Centre, Gallows Hill, Warwick,
England, CV34 6UW

· MX: Ciudad Universitaria 286, Jardines del Pedregal,
Álvaro Obregón, 01900 Ciudad de México, CDMX


Dev Center MX: +52 (55) 5980 2999
UK Office: +44 (0) 1926 217 857 

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